Shamanic Apprenticeship

Shamanic Apprenticeship

Today, the term shaman has become widely appropriated around the globe and it can be difficult to discern what a “shaman” actually is. Within indigenous cultures, shamans where the healers and ceremonial/spiritual leaders. They traditionally underwent extensive training, consisting of many years of even decades of apprenticing with an elder shaman.

The shamanic apprenticeship includes countless trials and tribulations and many arduous experiences, such as fasting, pilgrimage, and vision quest.

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Don José Matsuwa

Don José Matsuwa

Renowned shaman, ceremonial leader and respected elder of the Huichol people, Don Jose Matsuwa dedicated his whole life to the sacred path of the shaman and it is his life and vision that are the inspirations for the Dance of the Deer Foundation, founded by both Don Jose Matsuwa and Brant Secunda.

This interview explores Brant’s experience and memories with his adopted grandfather and mentor.

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What is a Shaman?

What is a Shaman?

Shamans have been revered in many ancient societies all across the globe. Brant explains what a Shaman is, how to become a Shaman and how their role in the world is as ancient as this world itself.

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What is Shamanism?

What is Shamanism?

Our various programs strive to harmoniously connect ancient traditions and way of life to the modern world. What we offer through each of our programs is a lasting new perspective on the world and self.

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