Finding the Soul

Finding the Soul

Where is our Soul? Brant Secunda says “it is in the place between two heartbeats.” But finding this place requires us to focus on the heart; to develop a relationship to nature through the heart.

We inquire about the Huichol perspective on the Soul/Body connection that has become so popularized in our modern world and learn from Brant how to empower our bodies through our innate connection to the Earth.

Do the Huichol differentiate the Spirit from the Soul? We examine this question and the importance of bringing all three (body, heart/soul, and spirit) into unification.
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The Power of Intuition

The Power of Intuition

Each of us has the ability to tap into the power of intuition and find the answers to life within ourselves. The Huichol tribe puts a tremendous emphasis on training our intuition, on focusing our awareness so that we may find guidance within our hearts. They give a physical form to intuition in KAUYUMARI (The Magical Deer Spirit), which they say resides in the heart of all human beings.

Brant Secunda describes how the Huichol strive to strengthen their connection with the Deer Spirit, their higher self, or intuition. He also shares games we can integrate into our daily life to help train our intuition.
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Don José Matsuwa

Don José Matsuwa

Renowned shaman, ceremonial leader and respected elder of the Huichol people, Don Jose Matsuwa dedicated his whole life to the sacred path of the shaman and it is his life and vision that are the inspirations for the Dance of the Deer Foundation, founded by both Don Jose Matsuwa and Brant Secunda.

This interview explores Brant’s experience and memories with his adopted grandfather and mentor.

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