Staying Steady

Staying Steady

With all the ups and downs, highs and lows of modern day life, it can be very difficult to remain steady and even keeled. The Huichol people have an amazing ability to remain steady in their life. Both emotionally and physically, they live a life of continuity and balance. By better understanding the ways in which ancient indigenous cultures lived a sustainable life, we too can unlock the secrets to avoiding the roller coaster of negative emotions and physical pain.

By making yourself aware of the natural rhythm of nature and by striving to be a part of that cycle, each of us can find stability on our path of life.

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Shamanic Apprenticeship

Shamanic Apprenticeship

Today, the term shaman has become widely appropriated around the globe and it can be difficult to discern what a “shaman” actually is. Within indigenous cultures, shamans where the healers and ceremonial/spiritual leaders. They traditionally underwent extensive training, consisting of many years of even decades of apprenticing with an elder shaman.

The shamanic apprenticeship includes countless trials and tribulations and many arduous experiences, such as fasting, pilgrimage, and vision quest.

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Meeting the Huichol People

Meeting the Huichol People

From New York City to the wilds of Mexico’s Sierra Made Mountains, Brant tells of his amazing life-changing journey in which he first encountered the Huichol tribe.

He didn’t know exactly what he was looking for, but when he was rescued by the Huichol and eventually brought to the village of Don José Matsuwa, he knew has had come home.


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What is a Shaman?

What is a Shaman?

Shamans have been revered in many ancient societies all across the globe. Brant explains what a Shaman is, how to become a Shaman and how their role in the world is as ancient as this world itself.

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