Articles About Shamanism

Sustaining Health – Bringing Balance to Your Life

As babies we learn to find our balance. We discover how to…

Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World        

Indigenous cultures are often referred to as “primitive.”…

Huichol Shamanism for the Modern Life

Just Beyond the Veil
By Joel Hersch
Life in the modern…

Autumn Equinox and the Harvest Ceremony

Happy Equinox! May we manifest the harmony within ourselves to…

Honoring the memory of Don José Matsuwa

Today we remember the passing of Don José Matsuwa. 29 years…

Brant Secunda’s Connection with the Huichol

Virginia Rios Medrano, daughter of the Don José Matsuwa and…

Trust – Believing in others begins with believing in yourself

Each and every person has their own relationship with the word TRUST. Do we generally trust others? Do others trust us? What does it mean to have trust in someone?

How easy it is for us to trust others is based heavily on our individual past experiences. Like many aspects of the self, our tendencies to trust and distrust are molded into our psyche from a young age. A single poignant moment in our life can dramatically alter these propensities. Whatever the case may be, we all have our own unique understanding of trust and an individual aptitude toward trust or distrust.

Drum & Harvest Ceremony • Autumn 2017

We arrived in the village just before sunset. After eating a light meal of beans and fresh handmade tortillas with salsa, we prepared ourselves for the ceremony. People from various villages had traveled to partake in the harvest ceremony. Elders, men, women, children, and newborn babies all coming together to celebrate, to give thanks, and to pray. Everyone gathered around the fire to offer prayers for a good ceremony. Then the leading elder shaman began to chant quietly, the sound slowly growing as the flames of the fire strengthened.

Journey into the Huichol Sierra

Chronicles of the Spring Ceremony by Nico Secunda
We made it…

The Best Tortillas in the World!

When asked what the Huichols eat, Brant will reply, “ beans…

Tahiti – Realizing a Childhood Dream

In my early teens, I saw a group of photos from Tahiti. They…

Journey into Healing

In 1970 at 18 years old, intrigued by a book of Carlos Castenada.…

SHAMANISM: The Healing Journey of the Heart

Shamans throughout the world, from Tibet and Mongolia to the…

Becoming the Deer

I wandered through grain-laden grasses,
taking in what I could…

Living the Dream in Alaska

I just returned from a wonderful trip to Alaska ... not the cruise…

Mount Shasta Journey

Looking ahead, I see a journey to Mount Shasta. A beautiful,…

Softening at the Ocean

I am at home and I feel a certain restlessness. It is one I am…

Getting Back to the Basics

In this modern world of instant gratification, immediate messages,…

Springtime Gratitude

a poem by Terri Anderson
Shaman sings creation…

Journey to the Heart

"Is your heart happy?" Don José asks the children at his rancho.…

Power Places

Pilgrimage & Huichol Shamanism
– Originally published…

Natural Balance

Regaining your balance in the modern world
I’ve been a part…

Shamanism by 6:30am

I have been studying Huichol Shamanism with Brant Secunda for…

Effective Tools of Communication

Shamanism offers important and effective tools of communication.…

The Power of Springtime

In the springtime, the Earth is waking up from her dream and…
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