Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic Journeying

The practice of Shamanic Journeying is an intrinsic aspect of shamanism worldwide. Brant Secunda explains the basic concepts of shamanic journeying as a visionary experience, in which one is able to achieve an altered state of consciousness or trance.

Shamans learn to journey into a magical doorway (NIERICA) to access an alternate universe or a parallel reality. The use or rattles and drums, Brant explains, can help to propel one on such a journey.

Why would someone go on a shamanic journey and what are the benefits of this practice? The individual can learn to connect with the spirits of nature in this doorway. We can learn the language of the world of nature and in this way we can complete ourselves and become whole people.

We inquire how to integrate this practice into our daily lives and Brant offers insights into how the experiences of shamanic journeying can empower us through experiences of natural ecstasy.

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Connecting with Nature

Connecting with Nature

Huichol traditions are closely linked to the earth, its’ elements and seasons. In this interview, Brant explores how we can bring positivity, balance and meaning into our lives by incorporating shamanic practices such as speaking our dreams to Grandfather Fire and breathing in the beauty of Grandmother Ocean.

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